HomeOur experiencePorts

Since its inception, DRAGADOS has been a construction company with a clear maritime vocation. The company is specialized in the design and construction of marine work and has the experience, technology, specialized equipment and personnel necessary for the development of major port infrastructure projects worldwide.

Over the years, DRAGADOS has been praised for the quality of its work on marine and port projects and for its willingness to guarantee contract completion dates on projects that were technically complex and had special construction methodology needs.

Many of them have been performances of great importance for their geographical and climatic conditions, which makes them great examples for reference in the field of maritime works worldwide.

World map showing the countries where building projects have been carried out (Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Morocco, Portugal and Spain among others).

DRAGADOS has taken part in a total of 583 works which can be included in the field of maritime works, classified into the following main types:

  1. 62 Expansion and new port projects
  2. 188 docks and mooring berths, including the manufacture of approximately 3,000 hollow core cellular box reinforced concrete caissons
  3. 23 Vertical breakwaters (new construction)
  4. 60 miles of sloped and rubble mound breakwater
  5. 31 Large port esplanade construction and paving projects
  6. 260,000,000 yd³ of dredging
  7. 93 coastal projects: waterfront areas and beaches
  8. 35 miles of water intake mains and distribution systems
  9. Facility construction for 6 shipyards, including slipways, graving docks and dry docks
  10. 19 Bridges whose foundations, partially or completely located in sea waters, required the application of project- specific construction techniques and methodology
Examine the projects executed
Relevant Facts
Expansion and new port projects: 62
Docks and mooring berths: 188
Vertical breakwaters: 23
Sloped and rubble mound breakwaters: 70
Large port esplanade construction and paving projects: 31
Dredging works exclusively for maintenance or creation of deeper drafts: 38
Works in waterfront areas and beaches: 93
Submarine outfalls and distribution systems: 41
Shipyards: 6
Bridges with foundations in the sea: 19

Most important projects per specialty

Aerial view of the whole of the new dry dock at Pearl Harbor Naval Shypyard , visualising the added breakwater

New Dry dock at Pearl Harbor Naval Shypyard - Hawaii, USA

The US Navy´s facilities modernization program (Navy, SIOP Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program), includes the construction of a new dry dock for the maintenance and construction of Virginia Class nuclear submarines. This project, key for the Pearl Harbor naval base has a 5-year construction schedule, and presents a great challenge, not just because of its location, but also because of the need to build a 705x141 sqft drainable dock in the middle of the central Pacific Ocean.
Aerial view of the whole of the port of Vancouver, visualising the added breakwater

Centerm expansion project - Vancouver, Canada

The Centerm Expansion Project, a design-build project so named after the Centerm Container Terminal operated by DP World in the Port of Vancouver, provided for a 15% expansion of the Terminal´s land area, while also increasing the Port´s capacity to move containerized goods - a growing trade in Canada, and making it possible to improve access to the Port and help reduce traffic congestion caused by the existing crossings of two railroad lines.
Aerial view of the port

Port facilities at Punta Langosteira - A Coruña, Spain

The work included the construction of a 2 mile long rubble-mound breakwater with a protective mantle formed by 165-ton blocks, and head formed by high density concrete blocks of up to 215 ton. The crest wall crown is at a height of 82 feet above sea level. This is a unique breakwater, not only because of its depth (130 feet) but also due to the severe maritime climate in the area, which required a 50-ft wave height design (Hs) (140-year calculation)
Zenithal view of the floating dock, at the time of the image sawing of the fixed dock

Floating Dock at La Condamine Port - Monaco, Monaco

This floating dock was constructed as a 1,200 ft long, 90-ft wide, and 80-ft high reinforced concrete caisson and designed to allow for the mooring of cruise ships of overall lengths in excess of 660 feet, making it the longest floating dock in the World. This double-hull structure was constructed on land at the Crinavis (Algeciras) protected bay and towed by sea to its final destination in Monaco.